Treatment Postponed
Well, the cardiologist nixed treatments for this week. I am having an angiogram this week to rule out heart disease or blocked arteries. My heart scans came back with a significant change in heart capacity. My heart is working at 2/3 rds and my heart rate is high. The cardiologist suspects that it's the IL-2 because up until this past week everything looked fine. He thinks the IL2 just temporarily stressed out my heart and I just need time to heal. So depending on the results of the angiogram I will either be going in later this week or weekend for more IL2. Or my treatment regime will be changed temporarily or permanently. It's all up in the air right now.
Celine is stressing out about this and I am anxious to get back on schedule after seeing how successful the IL2 has been.
Celine is stressing out about this and I am anxious to get back on schedule after seeing how successful the IL2 has been.
Beta blockers are very helpful; they help anxiety also! (There is some good news).
Taking a hit like your body has, it has to take a little time to bounce back. I will be thinking of you all.
Breathing along with you,
Anonymous, at 5:50 PM
Stay strong.
Anonymous, at 8:39 PM
Stay strong.
Anonymous, at 8:39 PM
Karl -- I am friends with Celine. I just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago. I'm thankful to get to know you and am quite impressed with the strength you have exhibited during this time.
Just keep hanging in there -- you've come a long way and you can get through this time, too.
You and Celine are in my prayers.
Anonymous, at 8:17 PM
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