Saturday Update
Well, Karl is the same:
Fever, shakes, bloating and constant uncomfortable oh and did I mention a lot of horrible smelling gas?.His bowels gave out this morning- lucky for me just when I go there. He made it to the toilet ok and it wasn't pure liquid. (sorry for the details). He was sleeping soundly about an hour later and I was busy involved with work when I hear "OH NO" He made me jump! and we got him on that toilet fast! Unfortunately they had to put the butt tube in, he's lost control of the muscles. Other than that, he's in and out of sleep and not eating but I am trying to get him to drink the protien supplement as much as he can.
Fever, shakes, bloating and constant uncomfortable oh and did I mention a lot of horrible smelling gas?.His bowels gave out this morning- lucky for me just when I go there. He made it to the toilet ok and it wasn't pure liquid. (sorry for the details). He was sleeping soundly about an hour later and I was busy involved with work when I hear "OH NO" He made me jump! and we got him on that toilet fast! Unfortunately they had to put the butt tube in, he's lost control of the muscles. Other than that, he's in and out of sleep and not eating but I am trying to get him to drink the protien supplement as much as he can.
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Anonymous, at 12:54 PM
Hi Karl and Celine,
Keep faith, the struggle is worth it. All our hopes and prayers are with you.
Love, Judy
Anonymous, at 8:45 PM
Karl, Celine, and Annika-
The McDonaugh's are thinking of you and hoping that everyone is feeling well. Keep your spirits up (you'll need some for Halloween!). Keep up with your efforts - we are impressed with your strength and courage.
Anonymous, at 4:11 PM
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