A Day In The Life......

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Karl Scans

Everyone send positive thoughts and prayers Karl's way as he starts scans again to check on the extent of the Cancer in his body. We are positive that things are shrinking and have dissappeared. We should have results and hopefully know his treatment schedule next week.

Karl continues to improve at home, he's been diligent about exercising and eating right and it's paying off- last night we went to the last Rough Riders (minor league baseball) game of the season. Karl had no problem walking to, going down and up the stairs to his seat. He enjoyed the whole game and fireworks which was very special as it was Anika's first baseball game. Anika had fun too- dancing, cheering, singing take me out to the ball game, eating and rolling down the grass hills in the outfield. I don't think she watched much of the game ;-)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Karl recovering at home

Karl is doing better, he's eating pretty healthy except for a late night pudding here and there and his blood suger is doing great, around 120-125 like clockwork. He's working during the day from his study or living room, no napping needed. We are taking him next door to the neighbor's pool at night so he can get some exercise and build up those muscles. He's sleeping a lot better at night now, probably from the exercise and activity during the day. He's having muscle aches and his back still really hurts. We are going to start scheduling doctor's visits for the next couple of weeks to find out when he's going to go back to the chemotherapy, hopefully after Anika's birthday. Otherwise he's in good spirits, catching up on all the promises he made to Anika of what he was going to do with her when he got out of the hospital and enjoying being home.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Karl Home, Hot In Texas!

Karl came home last Tuesday night from the hospital. He is very happy to be home, especially with Anika and I returning last Saturday from the cruise. We had a great time and I got a massage and a lot of rest. Thanks again to everyone who helped keep an eye on him for Anika and I while we were away. Karl is on break from treatment until September as he needs time to build up his strength and muscles. He didn't lose a lot of weight but has lost a lot of muscle. Last scans in the hospital showed things stable and shrinking/disappearing. It appears that the mass on his spine/back is not cancerous but a "pain in the back". He has enough pain meds at home to manage it and still be able to be active. He also is on lower dosages of steriods and anti siezure meds so no more shaking or studdering!
We hope to have a PT person coming in next week to work with him. He is almost back on a normal sleep schedule, working at home during the day. He even got up yesterday in time to say bye to Anika as she headed off for kindergarten. His appetite is growing and he's been snacking alot during the day. As usualy we are still pumping him with carrot and beet juices as well as protein shakes. His got his normal Karl sparkle back in his eyes and is already trying to find ways to get around his responsibilities in the house- I caught him playing his Soduko game today instead of lifting his 5lb arm weights! Anika is very happy to have him home and feeling well enough to play with her and do the bed time routine.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Karl update

Sorry this is so late but Anika and I are on a vacation in the Carribean right now so these will be scattered. It looks like Karl is coming home monday, they wanted to do the transesophageal EKG before he goes home. Otherwise he's fine, counts up and staying and he feels good. So it will be a good home coming for Anika and I.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Karl coming home soon

Karl's counts are up and stable but Infectious Disease doctor and Oncologist wanted to give him some more platelets and antibiotics before they let him come home. Barring any other issues, he should be home next week. He's walking the halls and hanging out playing his iPod for the nurses (his room is across from their station).

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The cancer is shrinking

Some of his troublesome spots are showing signs of response by shrinking according to the latest scan of his trunk. Yet he has a new spot - in his muscle on his lower back. His counts are up but he has a yeast infection from the PICC line and the doctors want to keep him in a little longer to get that healing before they send him home for another round of radiation and chemotherapy.
Otherwise he's eating fine and walking the halls with Anika and working/goofing around when he's got the energy.