Radiation on Wednesday, More Surgery
We've decided next year not to have March. March seems to be the month of surgeries. After last year's hell -Karl had his lymph node surgery and ended up in bed and hospital for months recovery because his wound wouldn't heal, got infected and he was in constant pain- and now this year's March it seems to be dedicated to surgeries again.
Karl went to the surgeon, Dr. Beitsch, today to have some annoying spots removed.
We love Dr. Beistch because he's an avid pop art collector and has Andy Warhols, Lichtensteins Keith Harring and early The Simpsons cells hanging all around his office-he was also name one of the top surgeons by D Magazine and specializes in cancer tumor removal.
Karl has a clump of 3 tumors on his love handle (smaller than a pea), one on his back below his original site, and then this worry some lump on his arm. The one on his arm is protruding and it looks like an alien under his skin. The weird thing with that location is it's in between one spot that came back melanoma and one that came back benign which he had removed in December. Luckily the arm one is in between his muscle and skin so we won't have to worry about damage to his arm muscles.
Anyways, he goes in on the 21st for a quick one hour surgery to remove those spots. We are pretty sure the biopsies will be melanoma, it's a given.
Radiation starts on Wednesday, not very strong, 5 minutes of radiation and he's done. This will go on for two weeks and then some intense on the sites where his brain metases were. No side effects from the radiation except the permanent hair loss which Karl is looking forward to so he doesn't have to shave his head anymore.
Karl is a little tired this week as his white cell count has dropped so they are dosing him on Nuepagen.
Karl went to the surgeon, Dr. Beitsch, today to have some annoying spots removed.
We love Dr. Beistch because he's an avid pop art collector and has Andy Warhols, Lichtensteins Keith Harring and early The Simpsons cells hanging all around his office-he was also name one of the top surgeons by D Magazine and specializes in cancer tumor removal.
Karl has a clump of 3 tumors on his love handle (smaller than a pea), one on his back below his original site, and then this worry some lump on his arm. The one on his arm is protruding and it looks like an alien under his skin. The weird thing with that location is it's in between one spot that came back melanoma and one that came back benign which he had removed in December. Luckily the arm one is in between his muscle and skin so we won't have to worry about damage to his arm muscles.
Anyways, he goes in on the 21st for a quick one hour surgery to remove those spots. We are pretty sure the biopsies will be melanoma, it's a given.
Radiation starts on Wednesday, not very strong, 5 minutes of radiation and he's done. This will go on for two weeks and then some intense on the sites where his brain metases were. No side effects from the radiation except the permanent hair loss which Karl is looking forward to so he doesn't have to shave his head anymore.
Karl is a little tired this week as his white cell count has dropped so they are dosing him on Nuepagen.
Came across some interesting info about the spice Tumeric, in case you hadn't heard of it the link above is a bit of info on it.
Love to you all,
Anonymous, at 10:10 PM
Hi Celine and Karl.....keep on being strong...we in Wisconsin are always thinking about you......
Anonymous, at 11:35 AM
Karl and Celine, I am so sorry to hear of all your recent battles. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
With love,
Jacque Nelles
Anonymous, at 9:11 PM
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